A sweet little vinyasa to warm up a stiff spine and shoulders before moving onto your daily activities~ Energy Flows,Stretch, Twist, Reach 1 views You may also like Summer Back Stretch Relax and Release,Stretch, Twist, Reach 03:24 Costa Rica Dancing Goddess Pose Energy Flows,Stretch, Twist, Reach Ganesha Mudra….Elephant Deity Pranayama Practice Energy Flows,Relax and Release What is VIPARITA KARANI ? Relax and Release,Stretch, Twist, Reach TRAVEL WITH SEATED SPINAL TWIST Energy Flows,Stretch, Twist, Reach https://youtu.be/I8ODfshWDdU Energy Flows,Stretch, Twist, Reach SIMHASANA The Lion Pose Energy Flows,Relax and Release Sky Energy Energy Flows Underwater Sama Vritti Pranayama Practise Energy Flows,Relax and Release SALAMBA SARVANGASANA~Shoulder Stand~Candle Stick Pose Energy Flows,Relax and Release 123»Page 1 of 3